to Living

AULI.TECH is on a mission to eliminate challenges in daily living for people with disabilities

Say hello to Cato

The affordable alternative to eye gaze that works with the applications and devices you already know.

Personalized for the way you work.

  • Control Windows, macOS and Chromebook computers by emulating bluetooth mouse and keyboard input
  • Operate iOS and Android devices by emulating pointer movement
  • Manage doors, lifts, and other motorized equipment using Bluetooth
  • Experience hours of uninterrupted use thanks to Cato’s long battery life
Cato is now available for trials to ATP, SLP, OT, PT and other healthcare professionals.
Cato will be available for the general public later in 2024.

Real users

INSpiring Beta User – Featured in “AUtonomous” – A RADIOWEST Film
NASA software developer with a spinal cord injury